
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Notice World no riots! This is my community, the community I love and the one I want the world to see. Notice the support for each other with out concern for race or religion. This is America, this is what we need to teach our young people. Only working together can America be great.
This week two families lost loved ones. Instead of pointing fingers and blame maybe we can finally learn valuable lessons from these tragedies:
1) Crime hurts not only the victims of the crime, but also the person who commits the crimes family. There are so many children that are growing up with out both of their parents because of gangs and crime. How do we teach these children that gangs are not family? The children growing up in these situations are valuable we can teach them and provide them with real opportunities or we can see gangs grab them up. Throwing aide money at these kids is not helping they need to have role models, job skills, and high quality schools so they value themselves and a work ethic.
2) Officer Kerrie Orozco believed enough in humanity and her community that rather then just working on the gang unit to fight gangs and crime she volunteered to work with youth to help them become good citizens and reach their full potential. Like so many of the police officers that never get shown in media she understood that to change the world you have to be an example for youth to help them know what it means to be a responsible, productive, democratic citizen. Working with youth to share your talents/ passions is not only good for them, but also gives you the feeling of accomplishment. Officer Orozco gave of herself in so many ways even before she gave her life.
Wearing blue, flags at half staff, and flowers are a nice short term way to honor Officer Orozco, but I think we can take it a step further. To honor Officer Orozco, all the other good police officers who have given their lives protecting us, those that are still serving, and the military who protect our freedom let's make a better world for everyone. Go out and find a way to give back to your community to make it a better place. Volunteer to use your talents whether that means helping an elderly neighbor, cleaning up a park, or helping young people learn a trade it will all help. Stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves. A hand up not a hand out in honor of these great people.