Have you see the newest craze or started you own? Yes, I speak of Bullet Journals. Maybe you are a seasoned veteran at journaling, but it has been years since I have journaled. A friend had a Bullet Journal at a meeting we were attending together and I was fascinated. I love technology, but have always had lists all over my desk of things I needed to do, needed to remember, or something someone asked me. Bullet Journaling allows me to organize these lists while using my creativity. Of course I had to jump on Pinterest right away to see if everyone was doing https://www.pinterest.com/kellylibrarian/bullet-point-journal/ I think the thing I am the most excited about is making pages that work for me. I am going to set up pages to remind me of books I want to highlight and lesson plan ideas. I found another teacher who had a page in her Bullet Journal that she is using to take notes to help her differentiate students lessons. If you haven't tried Bullet Journaling yet it is a great way to relax while keeping yourself organized.